Towing Vessel
Cargo handling coastal cargoesCargo handling foreign trade goodsCargo hold and spetskreplenieChartering servicesContractors on diving operationsFreight forwarding and warehouse operations with the goodsHandling of bulk cargoesInspection and survey of shipsLoading and unloading lighters at berthsLoading and unloading of vessels and ship cleaning facilitiesMaking the arrival-departure of the vesselMetal Recycling in PortOil processing at the port for option board to boardOrganization-operators offshore trawlersOrganizations operators of vessels-plantsPort ServiceProcessing at the port of clayProcessing at the port of grain in bulkProcessing equipment at the portProcessing of goods at the port in packetsProviding berths courts for minor repairsProviding free berth vesselsProvision of berths for ships pre-repair trainingProvision of space in the outer harbor for fumigation or degassingReconstruction of quaysRecycling containersRecycling containers at the portServices yachts, boatsShip lifting operationSupply shipSupply ShipTowing VesselWinter parking yachts, boats