Support of aircraft
Aircraft paintingAirport equipment repairAnti-corrosion treatment glider helicopters and airplanesBalancing and tail rotor helicopterConversion of aircraft for international flightsConversion of special vehiclesDevelopment of technological processes of repair of aircraftEscort aircraft operationalExtension of TBOInstallation of satellite navigationInvestigation of the technical state of helicoptersMaintenance and operational support aircraftMaintenance of the operationalMaintenance of the periodicOrder and delivery of aviation spareOrder and delivery of aviation spare parts andOverhaul and refurbishment of helicoptersOverhaul ofRecovery of aircraft on the ground-basedRepair of aircraftRepair of aircraftRepair of aircraft enginesRepair of auxiliary power unitsRepair of helicopter avionicsRepair of plant and equipmentRepair of propellersRepair on-conditionRepairs, maintenance and improvements of aircraftSupport of aircraftWarranty service aircraftWarranty service of aircraft enginesWorks to increase the resources and service life of aircraft