Professional advice
Advice on Computer CommunicationsAdvice on computer design toolsAdvisers in systems and data processingAnalytical studiesBusiness contactsCertification and design supportConsultancy services for foreign tradeConsultancy services for Intellectual PropertyConsultancy services for the creation, company formationConsultancy services in the field of project financingConsultants for capital expenditures and investmentsConsultants for technology transferConsultants for the construction of informationConsultants for the return of the value added taxConsultants in computer multimediaConsultants on labor lawConsultants to social legislationConsultation to verify compliance with the rules of tradeConsultingConsulting on legislation in the area of ​​productsConsulting servicesCorporate auditDevelopment of the conceptEconomic researchFinancial ConsultingFree economic zones, the information, servicesInformation and consulting servicesMaintenance of computers, networks and electronic systemsMini-studyOrganization of conferences, seminars and training coursesOrganizing and conducting presentations, business meetingsProfessional adviceQuestionnaires and interviewsRisk management consultants in the financial marketSecurity consultants computer dataServices Data ProcessingServices intermediaryServices of proxy advisers in taxes and levies