Polyurethane resins
AnionCationCoal tar creosote oilCuring agents for epoxy resinsGuar GumHardenersHeavy tarIndene-coumarone resinsIon-exchange resinPetroleum resinPhenol-formaldehyde resinPolyester resinPolymeric resinsPolyurethane resinsPolyvinyl chloride suspensionPVC resinResin bindersResin for abrasive materialsResin for foundryResin for impregnation (impregnation)Resin циклогексанонфорРС?альдегидныеResinsResins for insulationResins for plywoodResins for the manufacture of rubberResins for the manufacture of tiresSilicone resinSynthetic resinsSynthetic resins based on rosinTar for roadsThe prepared resinUrea resinUrea-formaldehyde resinVinyl ester resinVinyl resin suspension average molecular weight