Stations of the departmental
Accessories for electromechanical automatic telephone exchangeATC digital electronicAutomatic exchange cityAutomatic exchange for establishmentsAutomatic telephone exchangesCommunications equipment for mobile telephones (cellular phones)Distribution and switching equipment, telephone, selector and optional equipmentIC for communication and telephonyIntegrated telephone stationMechanisms answer phoneMechanisms make a call phone, phone callsMini-automatic telephoneParts spare for automatic telephone exchangePBXPBX private, institutionalPBX systemRural telecommunication equipmentSignaling equipment teledataStations of electronicStations of the cityStations of the departmentalSwitchgear, distributors and telephoneSystems and equipment for telephone wire communicationSystems and equipment for telephone wireless communicationSystems and equipment wired faxSystems of internal communicationTelecommunication equipment for the phone conferences, the equipment for distant telephone intercommunicationTelegraph equipmentTelephone and telegraph equipment explosionTelephone equipmentTelephone exchange, electronicTelephone Stations