Telephones (22)
Analog phones
Call devices and messaging phone
Caller ID device with digital signal generating
Control systems for telephone call centers
Cordless phones
Dynamic stereo headphones headphones
Electrical apparatus telephone and telegraph
Electronic counterparts main function cards
Handset for telephone operators
Loud-speaking telephones
Protection device exchanges jumper
Stereo headphones
System voice-activated telephone information
Tasksetters calls
Telephone devices
Telephone digital
Telephone sets with special features and new
Telephone sets, including push
Up the phone
Up the phone keyboard
User devices for automatic telephone exchange
Call devices and messaging phone
Caller ID device with digital signal generating
Control systems for telephone call centers
Cordless phones
Dynamic stereo headphones headphones
Electrical apparatus telephone and telegraph
Electronic counterparts main function cards
Handset for telephone operators
Loud-speaking telephones
Protection device exchanges jumper
Stereo headphones
System voice-activated telephone information
Tasksetters calls
Telephone devices
Telephone digital
Telephone sets with special features and new
Telephone sets, including push
Up the phone
Up the phone keyboard
User devices for automatic telephone exchange