Trainings (35)
Business Coach
Business training
Conducting training programs for staff at all levels
Creating a system of training
Creation of standards
Culture, personality, and social interaction
Develop training programs for each client
Dotreningovaya diagnosis
Education corporate trainers
Education of new technologies
Holding of training actions
Implementation of training and consulting programs, projects
Methodology of sociological tools
Organization of trainings
Personal Growth Training
Posleseminarskoe support in the workplace
Preparing for traders in financial markets
Professional development
Providing advice on the training market
Providing of staff
Sales training
Sales Training and Financing
School of Business
Short-term training
Social institutions and social change in the world
Sociological theory and modern triditsii
Software system in sociology and marketing
Staff training
Standardization work
Training in logistics, finance, sales,
Trainings open and in-house
Trainings psychological
Business training
Conducting training programs for staff at all levels
Creating a system of training
Creation of standards
Culture, personality, and social interaction
Develop training programs for each client
Dotreningovaya diagnosis
Education corporate trainers
Education of new technologies
Holding of training actions
Implementation of training and consulting programs, projects
Methodology of sociological tools
Organization of trainings
Personal Growth Training
Posleseminarskoe support in the workplace
Preparing for traders in financial markets
Professional development
Providing advice on the training market
Providing of staff
Sales training
Sales Training and Financing
School of Business
Short-term training
Social institutions and social change in the world
Sociological theory and modern triditsii
Software system in sociology and marketing
Staff training
Standardization work
Training in logistics, finance, sales,
Trainings open and in-house
Trainings psychological